by Klavinova | Jul 23, 2020 | Challenges, Family, Fear of Failure, Goals, Health, Intentions, Obesity, Uncategorized
On July 18, I had a birthday. And I weighed less than last year on the same day. Honestly, I’m working my weight off so slowly that it feels it isn’t happening at all some days. But it is. And I’m so excited! And any time I start to feel frustration...
by Klavinova | Jun 25, 2020 | Challenges, Family, Fear of Failure, Goals, Health, Intentions, Obesity
There’s not much to say. In fact, I’m so tired from working as a medical courier and from working out 30-50 minutes every day that the idea of blogging has lost its pizzazz, for the moment. June 24 Weigh In In a nut shell, my weight loss is moving at a...
by Klavinova | Mar 21, 2020 | Challenges, COVID19, Family, Health
I’ve been doing okay with this COVID 19 thing until today. Today I felt the burden of the world’s hurt and anxiety weighing on my own heart. Watching videos out of Italy drilled home the reality of what is coming to America; seeing patients piled up in...
by Klavinova | Mar 13, 2020 | Aging, Challenges, Family, Fear of Failure, Goals, Intentions
THAT is the question. You see? Today is my fourteenth day of blogging in a row. And guess what? I have writer’s block. Staring at the computer’s clock with only minutes left before midnight, I’m pondering why I have chosen to do this. Who am I to...
by Klavinova | Mar 9, 2020 | Family, Random
by Klavinova | Mar 6, 2020 | Dubai, Family, Random
He’s smart. He’s cute. He’s cuddly. His name is Percy, and this March he turns five. We rescued him from a puppy mill in Dubai. And the second I saw him laying across my hubby’s chest, completely trusting him, I knew he was coming home with us....
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